Known for its stunning and sophisticated appearance, granite Luna Pearl is a popular choice for countertops, flooring, and wall cladding. features a mesmerizing blend of grey, white, and black speckles that create a consistent and uniform pattern. Its polished surface enhances its natural beauty, a touch of elegance to any space. Highly durable and resistant to scratches and stains, Luna Pearl granite slabs are ideal for a variety of applications in both residential and commercial settings. Install Luna Pearl granite countertops, decorate kitchen walls and backsplashes, or create unique landscaping – this stone will complement almost any interior and exterior design.

#SizeStatusSerial Number
1122x73Warehouse 11331-2374-3-720004168-1
2122x73Warehouse 11332-2374-3-720004168-1
3122x73Warehouse 11333-2374-3-720004168-1
4122x73Warehouse 11334-2374-3-720004168-1
5122x73Warehouse 11335-2374-3-720004168-1
6122x73Warehouse 11336-2374-3-720004168-1
7122x73Warehouse 11337-2374-3-720004168-1